NEPI is currently looking for development sites in the North East. If you have or know of a site that may be of interest, please get in touch.

Over several years NEPI has formed long standing relationships with a variety of end users, from charities to house builders.

Development sites from 5 to 40 units are the ideal size. Sites don’t necessarily need to have planning.

The business looks to work with local charities and registered providers to provide new houses for their acute housing needs. Working with organisations to elevate homelessness and poverty is one of the drivers for the business.

Recently, The Church of England announced that they are forming a Housing Association to help the vulnerable, as a business it is vital to create a positive impact on society and through housing developments in the North East, NEPI can replicate this.

Currently, the business has 3 large-scale developments ongoing with various registered providers in place to take the completed developments.

If you are a developer, private landowner, sourcer, or land agent please get in touch today. NEPI is looking for a constant flow of development sites to provide these vital outlets to organisations.

Contact us today.

Land Development

Contact Us

North East Property Investment Ltd
11 Riverside Studios
Amethyst Rd
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear

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